Saturday, January 19, 2013

Garnett, Rondo to start in NBA All-Star Game

For one night, the bitter rivals will be transformed into members of the same starting lineup.

Kevin Garnett, who was involved in a testy incident with Carmelo Anthony on Jan. 7, will be alongside the New York Knicks forward in the Eastern Conference frontcourt.

Rajon Rondo, who has a history with Dwyane Wade, will line up next to the Miami Heat guard in the backcourt.

The pair of Celtics learned on Thursday night they are headed to Houston for the 62nd NBA All-Star Game on Feb. 17 after being voted onto the team as starters.

Garnett, who was chosen for the 15th time, finished third behind LeBron James and Anthony in the frontcourt while Rondo, a first-time starter making his fourth trip to the All-Star Game, was the second-leading vote-getter behind Wade at the guard position.

After not being selected last season, the 36-year-old Garnett is returning to the league?s mid-winter showcase event as he received 553,222 votes, beating out Chris Bosh of the Heat by 25,208 votes.

Garnett and Anthony did a lot of trash talking during the Celtics? visit to Madison Square Garden earlier this month and both received technical fouls. When the game was over, Anthony went to the Celtics? locker room and later the team bus looking for Garnett.

Anthony received a one-game suspension from the NBA. Garnett said he would have no problem with Anthony or any other adversary as an all-star teammate.

?You have time to plan for it ? and when you come there, it?s to come together as a conference and actually have guys into it, enjoy it,?? said Garnett., whose Celtics host the Chicago Bulls tonight. ?It takes a back seat to all the competitive juices.

?Obviously, after the game, you kind of turn it back on. But other than that, you set aside all the things that go on during the 82 (games in the regular season) and come in and try to enjoy each other for three or four days.??

Rondo was called for a flagrant foul on Wade during the closing minutes of the Heat?s opening-night win over the Celtics on Oct. 30.

Wade drove past Rondo and was headed to the basket when he was grabbed around the neck by the point guard. Wade later called it a ?punk play.??

During the 2011 playoffs, Rondo suffered a dislocated elbow when he was sent to the floor by Wade.

Asked before practice on Thursday afternoon if he would socialize with Eastern Conference teammates like Wade or Anthony, Rondo said, ?Why would I?

?I don?t do much socializing. If I make it, I hope one of my home boys makes it, Josh Smith. If he makes it and KG makes it, we?ll all (get together). I don?t try to be friends with anyone outside my team.??

Rondo, who leads the NBA in assists and received the seventh-highest vote total in the league with 924,180, was aided in his starting berth by the absence of Derrick Rose on the ballot this season. The Bulls guard has not played after injuring a knee during the playoffs last spring.

Jared Sullinger should be joining Rondo and Garnett in Houston as he will likely be chosen to play in the Rising Stars Challenge that consists of rookies and second-year players.

Paul Pierce, who has been selected to the All-Star team in 10 of the last 11 years, will learn next Thursday if he will be going as a reserve. Pierce finished sixth in the frontcourt behind James, Anthony, Garnett, Bosh and Tyson Chandler.

The starters for the Western Conference will be Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard of the Lakers, Chris Paul and Blake Griffin of the Clippers and Kevin Durant of the Thunder.


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